Liu Xipu MD, PhD, Co-founder and Medical Director
Liu Xipu (born 04th April, 1962) is a 1984 graduate in medicine from Qingdao University Medical School, He then finished a residency training and Ph.D. joint program in Peking Union Medial College Hospital (PUMCH) where he was awarded a PhD in 1990. He received his post doctoral training at the Hahnemann University in Philadelphia in 1992 and was appointed as research professor from 1993 at the same university.
In 1998 he returned to Beijing as Professor of Ophthalmology at PUMCH. On incorporation of Sekwa Health Development Group in left PUMCH in 2003 becoming the Chairman of the Board. In 2005 he was awarded Professor of Ophthalmology and Chairman of the Institute of Ophthalmology and Vision Science, Tsinghua University Medical Center.
Liu Ningpu MD, PhD, Co-founder
Liu Ningpu (born 13th February, 1964) is a graduate at Shandong University School of Medicine. He received a PhD in medical science at the Beijing University School of Medicine in 1991 and subsequently Postdoctoral position at Oxford University and Duke University School of Medicine where he became an Assistant Professor in 1995. Since 2001 he has been Professor of Ophthalmology Beijing Capital Medical University and medical director for Retinal Eye Services at Eye Department of Thongren Hospital. Prof. Liu is the coordinator of the Eye Research Division for Chronic Disease. His group have over 20 international publications relating to diseases of the posterior eye segment in China related to genetic dispositions of Chinese populations, diabetic retinopathy and macular disease.
Advisory Team:
Torkel Snellingen MD MPH, DCEH (Lon), Foreign Expert and Director of Clinical Epidemiology
Torkel Snellingen (born 26th April, 1956) is a graduate from medical schools of Universities of Grenoble, France and Oslo, Norway. He has postgraduate degrees from University of London (Diploma of International Eye Health) and University of Tromsø (UiTø), Norway (Masters of Public Health and PhD). From 1990 he was research fellow at the Institute of Clinical and Community Medicine and Principal Investigator of the South Asian Cataract Management Study, a large Regional Study on the management of mass cataract surgery in South Asia (India, Nepal and Bangladesh) with financing from UiTø, the Norwegian University Council (NUFU), World Health Organization and Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. UiTø and Associate Professor at the Institutes of Clinical Medicine from 2000 to 2007. Since 2007 Foreign Expert responsible for Research and International Relations at the Sekwa Institute of Medicine.
Akhtar Hussain MD, MPH, PhD
Akhtar Hussain, a native of Bangladesh attended Medical School in Dhaka and subsequently Masters of Public Health at the University of Tromsø and PhD at University of Bergen in Norway. Prof. Hussain is Professor and Chair of International Health at the Institute of Health and Society, University of Oslo and Co-founder the EU-funded GIFTS project, a large multicountry program with focus on genomic and lifestyle predictors of fetal outcomes relevant to diabetes and obesity and their relevance to prevention strategies in South Asian peoples worldwide. Since 2013 he has been on the Board of Directors and Vice President of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF).