Preparing for Your Arrival
- Remember to bring insurance cards, a form of ID, and any other important documents that you may need or were asked to bring. If any paperwork was given to you to complete prior to your arrival, please have it filled out and bring it with you.
- Please dress in loose, easily-removable, comfortable clothing as you will be changing into a hospital gown in the pre-operative area.
- Do not bring valuables, and please remove all jewelry prior to arrival. We do not have any way of securing personal valuables while you are in surgery.
- Please do not wear make-up, perfume, hairspray, body lotion or powders. The use of anti-perspirant or deodorant is acceptable.
- If you wear eye glasses, contact lenses, hearing aids or dentures, please bring a personal carrying case to hold these item(s) during surgery. Sekwa Hospital cannot be held responsible for damaged goods not stored properly in a case.
- If you were previously contacted by your physician or his/her office about a co-pay due for services, please be prepared to pay that amount upon arrival at the time of registration. (We accept cash, debit cards and credit cards.)